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Head Shots & Case Studies

According to Google statistics, LinkedIn has over 660 million registered users, with 303 million of them being active on a monthly basis. 90 million of these users are senior-level influencers, and 63 million are in decision-making positions. Your head shot is the first impression that a potential customer or employer has of you. It’s time to stand out from the crowd!

We’ve had a number of enquiries of late asking for updated head shots, as well as case study photography, so we have added a head shot gallery to our corporate offerings. As it’s widely known, “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression” so a cell phone selfie just won’t cut it! Let us capture the real you, the authentic you - your smile and your professional attitude in your natural work environment.

For more information, or to find out about how we can help your profile picture stand out from the crowd, do get in touch.